Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0xb6 a4c147aa07642b41c5b42e6df61f56329ad141e61d9ddcc79f7541863c c21e
19430345 Finalized
2024-03-14 02:39:59 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.00782405 ETH 0.01 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
43.90161046 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 178218 out of 206577 Gas (86%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 43.89252990 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 64.26311389 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.00908055 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 703
Block Position: 316
Call Data:
VoteCast(address indexed voter, uint256 proposalId, uint8 support, uint256 votes, string reason)
0 0xb8e138887d0aa13bab447e82de9d5c1777041ecd21ca36ba824ff1e6c07ddda4
1 0x000000000000000000000000281ec184e704ce57570614c33b3477ec7ff07243
Data (Decoded):
proposalId uint256
reason string
We're 500 props in and I keep thinking to myself, what is going to last? What can we fund that will survive years, decades. How do proposals add to an infinite art project in any way that approaches infinity other than strictly funding onchain dev + art projects? I would like more proposals to have a longer term vision. Everyone should be striving to build something bigger, longer lasting, something that can chug alongside and power the never-ending Nounish machine. A key path forward is going to be funding less projects and more infrastructure. Fund the foundation, and tie it to Nouns in an authentic way. In this light funding buildings makes a lot of sense. A building isn't infinite, but could easily last long enough to have future impact we can only begin to imagine. So, ideologically, I'm in. Now the question is what exactly can this specific group deliver, and if the activity in building will be sufficiently Nounish. If you haven't, watch the pitch video: This group has been pushing The HOPE Outdoor Gallery forward for a while now. It's clearly a dream project, and their ambitions are inline with Nouns. Public Goods + Art. I see plans for charity fundraisers, public art installations, summer camps for creative career development. Less of an event space and more of a not-for-profit local hub, which is exactly where I would want to position Nouns. They are working with high caliber artists (Shepard Fairey!) and plan to incorporate Noggles into their main sign and include us in their Grand Opening. We will be part of the story. I appreciate that they've raised funds and the project is in motion already. We don't have enough ETH to fund larger infrastructure on our own and I think we should get comfortable with strategic partnerships. For this place to succeed they need to be throwing a lot of events. I want to see Nouns events, but I also want to see unrelated events that feel Nounish in spirit, bringing in other groups and partners that we would proudly associate with. There's actually a risk involved with putting the noggles there. What if the quality dips. What if they host low effort, low attendance events. What if the actual building isn't done well. Poor performance could hurt our brand in a serious way. Google 'apefest laser eyes'. The team in the proposal is competent. I believe they can deliver. Truthfully though, it's Brennen's involvement that makes me want to chime in with this vote. He has been present in Nouns for years, building, investing, participating in the community. Always giving more than he takes. (Has he taken anything?). He brings the full Nounish wisdom to Austin, an in depth understanding of our values, our commitment to quality. I trust his enthusiasm for this project and team. If he is going to be present, working with the events team, I have full faith that the spirit of Nouns will be reflected in this building for years to come.
support uint8
voter address
votes uint256
Data (Hex):