Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0x54 e15eaafd089c2443bd3567b9fca411cecf3b889da82ab499050b657bc3 1a23
18687968 Finalized
2023-12-01 00:23:35 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.01074632 ETH 0.01 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
39.27406109 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 273624 out of 400386 Gas (68%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 39.17406109 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 55.38227819 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.1 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 676
Block Position: 104
Call Data:
PostUpdate(uint256 indexed propId, bool indexed isCompleted, string update)
0 0xcbeea0cc82b02b8b2687b661a00b2beefee33d74a34bcfb9f364ff2017d00711
1 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000151
2 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001
Data (Decoded):
isCompleted bool
propId uint256
update string
Work is complete on [Prop 337](, a sprint of Nerman development. With the launch of DAO V3 and fork functionality, these were turbulent times in Nouns DAO. Nerman bravely sailed the waves of arbitrage, a charming beacon of robot light shining on the DAO, providing up-to-date information about on-chain activity and drama. A guide, a friend, helping Nouners maintain informed opinions about the DAO and navigate the Nounish current. ___ **Nouns DAO V3** Shortly into our term, amidst the Ether Rock and Alien Punk proposals, Nouns DAO passed the Nouns DAO V3 Upgrade ([Prop 356]( We shifted gears to focus on this. We had to update our code to accommodate changes to old events, implement events for all of the new functionality, and get these events into all of the major Nouns Discord servers for the community to follow. ___ **Forking Fork** We successfully captured the first fork related events and registered the feeds in the major Nouns discords. With Nerman we were able to watch as Nouns were escrowed, joined the fork, and when the actual fork was executed. We saw this happen twice with [Nouns Fork 0]( and [Nouns Fork 1]( ![]( ___ **Fork DAOs** We also implemented events for the newly created Fork DAOs. We primarily watched them Rage Quit and claim their share of the fork treasury, but we also saw Fork 0 submit and pass a proposal. ![]( ___ **Discord Forums** To deal with an increasing proposal and vote velocity we implemented a Discord forum for DAO proposal notifications and discussions. Every new proposal is a new thread. ![]( ___ **Candidate Proposals** Nouns DAO V3 introduced Candidate Proposals, providing a permissionless path for people to submit proposals to the DAO, get feedback, and find Nouner support willing to sign and put them on-chain. We implemented all events for these including for new proposals, proposal feedback, and proposal signatures. We added these events to Discord and built a Discord forum to organize the feed. ![]( ___ **Zero Votes** If a user doesn't have any Nouns or delegations they are still able to process on-chain votes with 0 weight. Most front-ends and bots ignore these votes. We decided to listen to 0-votes specifically and created feeds for them in multiple discords. Our goal was to encourage people who want to participate in Nouns to submit 0-votes in search of delegation. Since establishing these zero-vote channels we now have regular 0-voters and [zeroweight.eth]( has been using these votes to dictate how their Noun votes in an "experiment in throwing weight behind zero weight votes with reason." ![]( ___ **Federation Governance Pool** We set up events and feeds for Federation's [Nouns Gov Pool](, where delegated Nouns votes are trustlessly auctioned off. During the DAO v3 transition and subsequent fork there were almost 60 Nouns delegated here, and Nerman helped us pay attention to the bids and activity. ![]( ___ **Propdates** [Propdates]( is an on-chain project for Nouns DAO proposers to submit updates on their proposals and eventually mark the proposal as complete. We pulled key events into Discord for people to follow along. ![]( ___ **NounsNymz** [Nouns Nymz]( allows individuals to create a named identity (Nym) that has verified Noun ownership with a zk-proof. This Nym can post on a message board of Noun owners without revealing their ETH address. We implemented the events in Nerman.js and sent those messages to feeds in various Discord guilds. ![]( ___ **Lil Nouns** We implemented Lil Nouns events in Nerman.js and are working on developing a forum for Lil Noun proposals like the Nouns DAO one, with code contributions from [lil dot]( We also advised Lil Nouns in the establishment of Lil Nouncil, a Nouncil fork that votes with delegated Lil Nouns. ![]( ___ **SharkDAO** SharkDAO was able to automate their voting pipeline with the help of Nerman.js. They used the "proposalCreated" event to trigger the creation of their snapshot polls. You can view the code on [Nick Dodson's Github]( ![]( --- **Data Indexing** Nerman.js now has indexing functionality, allowing users to retrieve data from all on-chain Nouns events with a single function call. Indexed data is stored locally and Nerman.js has instant access to all Nouns data without relying on a separate hosted service like subgraph. Currently we're storing the data as files, and an up-to-date version of the indexed files is included with the library so you don't have to start indexing from scratch. Our goal is to simplify access to on-chain Nouns data so you can focus on building compelling things with it. ___ **** We built as a simple REST API to demonstrate the power of our indexed data. Put a number after the URL like this and you will receive a JSON response with relevant data for that Noun. Look at the speed. Look at the power. ![]( ___ **Documentation** We have kept our projects well documented for people to understand the code and how to use the libraries / bots. - Website - [Nerman]( - Nerman.js - [Github (code & documentation)]( - Nerman Discord - [Github]( - [Documentation]( We also gone through all Nouns DAO contracts and created useful documentation for anyone building in Nouns. In Nerman.js docs we've meticulously labelled every event attribute, linked to where the events are triggered for context, and added extra details based on our working experience. Our goal is to build a developer map of Nouns DAO, for both on-chain and off-chain events. The page below is Nerman's first guide to [Nouns DAO]( "A guide to Nouns DAO and the Nounish community") contracts and events. - []( "Nouns DAO and Nounish Community") - [**Nouns DAO Contracts & Events**]( "A guide to interacting with Nouns DAO and Nounish projects using Nerman.js") ___ **Other General Work Completed** - Code maintenance, including triggers and unit tests to help with development - Improving performance, like decreasing JSON RPC calls needed - Continued work setting up and optimizing event feeds in Discords - General consulting for communities setting up feeds and governance ___ **IN CONCLUSION** Nerman is having a blast. He's ready to get busy and has big goals. We have more tools to build, and want to bring builder communities together to build with them. You can expect another proposal shortly. ⌐◨-◨
Data (Hex):