Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0x32 9a13bc4aa07e8e0ce1c348f5dad3be3092b590dc066f3262604a6533ee cfa2
18858691 Finalized
2023-12-24 22:46:47 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
0 ETH 0.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.00593569 ETH 0.01 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
18.98353444 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 312676 out of 340579 Gas (92%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 18.88353444 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 25.58613255 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.1 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 680
Block Position: 113
Call Data:
VoteCast(address indexed voter, uint256 proposalId, uint8 support, uint256 votes, string reason)
0 0xb8e138887d0aa13bab447e82de9d5c1777041ecd21ca36ba824ff1e6c07ddda4
1 0x000000000000000000000000281ec184e704ce57570614c33b3477ec7ff07243
Data (Decoded):
proposalId uint256
reason string
--- to begin: --- An explanation of why our indexing approach is compelling. is a static website built using Nerman.js indexed data. It is hosted entirely for free using Netlify and Alchemy. Once every 24 hours Netlify automatically runs the indexer and rebuilds the project to update the data. Scroll to the bottom of the home page, check out the stats, and look at a sample page: The pages load instantly, and that data is just the beginning of what we can calculate. We talk directly to an Ethereum node and don't depend on any other hosted service, like subgraph. Trust minimized front-end dev. I maintain that this is an interesting and vital approach to exploring Nouns data. --- and, a response --- Nouns is still centralized. Until the veto is removed we are a DAO on a leash, permissioned and fragile. If we ever want to remove the veto we need to develop a few things: a decentralized voter base resistant to 51% attacks / voter fatigue, a decentralized community resistant to social takeover / propaganda from hostile actors, and a decentralized technical infrastructure to maximize permissionless collaboration and competition. I want to get rid of the veto. All of my work is aiming towards that, and maybe it's time to be explicit. Nouns is far less interesting to me if the veto is retained. Building a decentralized voter base and a community resistant to takeover was my main intention with Nouncil. It worked. Nouncil has been operating for years, regularly has more active individuals voting than the DAO itself, and is the second most active voting participant in the DAO. Proof of that here: - Kudos to Noun 12, champion of the votes. Nerman Gov has processed more than 20,000 unique votes in Nouns and helped Nouncil maintain its independence and defy capture pre-fork era. It's also the only voter body truely accountable to public opinion and regularly pivots and makes changes based on feedback. Nouncil has been running mostly without me, and without further funding, for the last 6 months. Check out our user participation rates at They're high. These are very engaged voters. They still meet every single week to discuss Nouns DAO proposals. The rest of Nerman, the SDK and developer experience that we've pivoted to focus on, is all done looking at the decentralization of Nouns technical infrastructure and looking towards building a healthy, competitive dev ecosystem around Nouns. The Nouns Foundation was set up as stewards of the centralized DAO / Nounder resources. Closing the official Discord was a first step towards decentralization, and the current plan is to sunset in the next year. The @NounsDAO twitter account has been changed to "Official Twitter of the Nouns Foundation." We are well on our way. There is one giant behemoth remaining. The monorepo. The central repository of official Nouns DAO code. If any centralization is lurking its right there. Our Nerman Discord bot has replaced NounsBot in most servers, and with the Nerman.js SDK our intention is to offer alternatives to the nouns-assets, nouns-sdk, and nouns-subgraph packages. Our documentation will become an alternative canon source for contract source code, ABIs, and a general understanding of the DAO. Migrating off of centralized resources is only the first step. Step #2 is building healthy thriving communities of builders with competitive incentives to create a decentralized cornucopia of resources. We want to keep people engaged while naturally limiting governance capture. If the DAO were static everyone could host and subgraph clones and we're golden. But Nouns DAO is changing, and with the verbs current proposal it's not slowing down. We need active dev teams, and they need to be paying attention to keep up with the DAO or things will break. This is expensive and funding many teams is cost prohibitive. This is why with Nerman.js we started building an SDK first, and not a front end, with the goal of creating a healthy, competitive dev environment that reduces the costs of supporting multiple teams working on Nouns clients. We are thinking long term. If and agora are the only functioning gov clients keeping up with DAO changes, we have failed. Nerman.js will give developers a headstart and allow builders to focus on solving new problems and improving user experience rather than recreating indexers and data processing functions with duplicated functionality. It's not cost effective to keep working this way. A by product of what we want to do is also onboarding a large amount of devs into Nouns and strengthening the health of our social structure as a whole. If you didn't read through our final propdate please do: I'm surprised at the comments about not seeing changes or new features from Nerman. We were very active in the DAO, releasing new features consistently and frantically during the fork and with v3. This was a primary way for people to pay attention to the fork events, propdates, zero-weight votes, candidate proposals, nouns nymz, and I'm very proud of the fast, public work we did here. Currently the SDK is primarily used in our own MVPs to showcase functionality - Nerman Discord, Noun O'Clock bot, and Our Discord bot is in all main Nouns discords, including Agora, who built their own bot but migrated to Nerman Discord so they could focus on their core business model. NounsNymz and SharkDAO used the SDK in projects to handle events, and to be clear these are talented developers fully capable of accessing the contracts directly. The SDK just saved them time. We just released the indexer. It's brand new and no one has had a chance to use it yet. We haven't yet received any budget for incentives or creative marketing. This current proposal is precisely when we want to start pushing for traction and building community. Its going to take some work but our marketing ask is reasonable, and will be spent encouraging devs to build with Nouns. Our SDK will save teams serious time and help Nouns DAO keep project costs competitive. We want to build developer kits - we can provide the exact data and functions needed to launch a new governance client. Just build the UI. We want to start funding competitions to incentivize development, and we also want to continue building our own things - dashboards, gov clients and clients to interact with parts of the DAO not implemented anywhere yet (submit a head! add a new palette! burn a noun!). We've also yet to see an auction client that takes much attention from And the video we want to produce would target developers and bring them into our universe. Our guiding light is developer community and getting more developers building in Nouns. Quite simply, we had to build these tools before we could start encouraging people to use them. We are ready for a flurry of work now. We want more devs, more projects, and more competition driving an ever increasing level of proposal quality. A developer friendly tool kit won't happen accidentally as a by-product of making a client. We certainly can pivot to developing our own front end clients, building more dashboards, and onboarding developers in a more public way rather than focusing on supporting write functions next. This would prove the utility of what we've built already, but slow down feature completion for the SDK. It is a valid path if that's what the community wants, but we would always be developing with the SDK and developer community in mind. On a final note - I've requested ETH because I like the meme of working for a DAO and getting paid in ETH. It's that simple, and it comes up in conversation anytime I speak about Nouns DAO IRL. I like ETH, I like memes. It's why I'm here.
support uint8
voter address
votes uint256
Data (Hex):