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Transaction Details

Transaction Hash:
0x18 70ffa2c6f3cf784ed24ccc546f9d3a9305b4a97f7e84af2c7a66dcf966 30ef
18774348 Finalized
2023-12-13 02:43:11 +0000 UTC
Interacted With:
1 ETH 1.00 ETH
Transaction Fee:
0.20395848 ETH 0.20 ETH
Effective Gas Price:
58.55960677 GWei
Execution Stats:
Used 3482921 out of 5244594 Gas (66%)
Gas Fees:
Base Block Fee: 58.45960677 GWei | Max Overall Fee: 83.91521390 GWei | Max Priority Fee: 0.1 GWei
Txn Type: 2 (EIP-1559)
Nonce: 478
Block Position: 141
Call Data:
TransferBatch(address indexed operator, address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256[] ids, uint256[] values)
0 0x4a39dc06d4c0dbc64b70af90fd698a233a518aa5d07e595d983b8c0526c8f7fb
1 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
2 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
3 0x00000000000000000000000044df3a11c8822a663c13dcbf0d4414c242b82cb5
Data (Decoded):
from address
ids uint256[]
[100200118 100200100 100200342 100200147 100200034 100200028 100200079 100200332 100200134 100200403 100200396 100200314 100200224 100200388 100200354 100200308 100200210 100200266 100200187 100200345 100200206 100200065 100200378 100200086 100200272 100200339 100200103 100200252 100200326 100200323 100200233 100200320 100200236 100200365 100200329 100200371 100200153 100200040 100200200 100200097 100200015 100200279 100200558 100200046 100200022 100200286 100200358 100200269 100200220 100200165 100200150 100200362 100200094 100200390 100200144 100200019 100200037 100200156 100200217 100200311 100200009 100200043 100200394 100200085 100200248 100200197 100200255 100200392 100200059 100200305 100200162 100200052 100200382 100200131 100200062 100200302 100200112 100200351 100200031 100200075 100200360 100200245 100200072 100200293 100200180 100200177 100200088 100200106 100200115 100200227 100200049 100200082 100200405 100200296 100200230 100200141 100200401 100200384 100200128 100200373]
operator address
to address
values uint256[]
[3075 4063 5444 4093 3096 4063 4126 5356 5492 5333 5511 4080 5285 3060 4048 5299 2650 5301 4108 5290 5320 3082 4043 29 4074 5288 4048 5267 3079 3067 2653 4065 2613 5255 4079 3064 4061 5206 5383 3084 4156 3067 5362 5245 3987 4033 5198 2614 1986 4065 5346 5297 5389 3084 3081 4003 5287 5370 3100 4078 4005 5316 5227 5346 2651 3074 1986 4126 5266 5355 5218 3083 5361 5277 5373 5417 5438 3112 3960 5290 5352 5305 3981 4025 5327 5247 5289 3083 4157 3095 3072 4131 4059 3068 3964 3005 4056 5234 3064 3061]
Data (Hex):
RelayerParams(bytes adapterParams, uint16 outboundProofType)
0 0xb0c632f55f1e1b3b2c3d82f41ee4716bb4c00f0f5d84cdafc141581bb8757a4f
Data (Decoded):
adapterParams bytes
outboundProofType uint16
Data (Hex):
VerifierFeePaid(uint256 fee)
0 0x87e46b0a6199bc734632187269a103c05714ee0adae5b28f30723955724f37ef
Data (Decoded):
fee uint256
Data (Hex):
Packet(bytes payload)
0 0xe9bded5f24a4168e4f3bf44e00298c993b22376aad8c58c7dda9718a54cbea82
Data (Decoded):
payload bytes
Data (Hex):
SendBatchToChain(uint16 indexed dstChainId, address indexed from, address indexed toAddress, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts)
0 0x7aaa4f6f4e9f36d4131d9537d95580ce459de8da42bf1af879871821b325dad5
1 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000b8
2 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
3 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
Data (Decoded):
amounts uint256[]
[3075 4063 5444 4093 3096 4063 4126 5356 5492 5333 5511 4080 5285 3060 4048 5299 2650 5301 4108 5290 5320 3082 4043 29 4074 5288 4048 5267 3079 3067 2653 4065 2613 5255 4079 3064 4061 5206 5383 3084 4156 3067 5362 5245 3987 4033 5198 2614 1986 4065 5346 5297 5389 3084 3081 4003 5287 5370 3100 4078 4005 5316 5227 5346 2651 3074 1986 4126 5266 5355 5218 3083 5361 5277 5373 5417 5438 3112 3960 5290 5352 5305 3981 4025 5327 5247 5289 3083 4157 3095 3072 4131 4059 3068 3964 3005 4056 5234 3064 3061]
dstChainId uint16
from address
toAddress address
tokenIds uint256[]
[100200118 100200100 100200342 100200147 100200034 100200028 100200079 100200332 100200134 100200403 100200396 100200314 100200224 100200388 100200354 100200308 100200210 100200266 100200187 100200345 100200206 100200065 100200378 100200086 100200272 100200339 100200103 100200252 100200326 100200323 100200233 100200320 100200236 100200365 100200329 100200371 100200153 100200040 100200200 100200097 100200015 100200279 100200558 100200046 100200022 100200286 100200358 100200269 100200220 100200165 100200150 100200362 100200094 100200390 100200144 100200019 100200037 100200156 100200217 100200311 100200009 100200043 100200394 100200085 100200248 100200197 100200255 100200392 100200059 100200305 100200162 100200052 100200382 100200131 100200062 100200302 100200112 100200351 100200031 100200075 100200360 100200245 100200072 100200293 100200180 100200177 100200088 100200106 100200115 100200227 100200049 100200082 100200405 100200296 100200230 100200141 100200401 100200384 100200128 100200373]
Data (Hex):
AssetsLocked(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint16 srcChainId, uint256[] tokenIds, uint256[] amounts)
0 0x576ad1ae54d4bb96757c22a80c6f090ba4efa3b513cbc82e1e15434062b06972
1 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
2 0x00000000000000000000000002f086dbc384d69b3041bc738f0a8af5e49da181
Data (Decoded):
amounts uint256[]
[3075 4063 5444 4093 3096 4063 4126 5356 5492 5333 5511 4080 5285 3060 4048 5299 2650 5301 4108 5290 5320 3082 4043 29 4074 5288 4048 5267 3079 3067 2653 4065 2613 5255 4079 3064 4061 5206 5383 3084 4156 3067 5362 5245 3987 4033 5198 2614 1986 4065 5346 5297 5389 3084 3081 4003 5287 5370 3100 4078 4005 5316 5227 5346 2651 3074 1986 4126 5266 5355 5218 3083 5361 5277 5373 5417 5438 3112 3960 5290 5352 5305 3981 4025 5327 5247 5289 3083 4157 3095 3072 4131 4059 3068 3964 3005 4056 5234 3064 3061]
from address
srcChainId uint16
to address
tokenIds uint256[]
[100200118 100200100 100200342 100200147 100200034 100200028 100200079 100200332 100200134 100200403 100200396 100200314 100200224 100200388 100200354 100200308 100200210 100200266 100200187 100200345 100200206 100200065 100200378 100200086 100200272 100200339 100200103 100200252 100200326 100200323 100200233 100200320 100200236 100200365 100200329 100200371 100200153 100200040 100200200 100200097 100200015 100200279 100200558 100200046 100200022 100200286 100200358 100200269 100200220 100200165 100200150 100200362 100200094 100200390 100200144 100200019 100200037 100200156 100200217 100200311 100200009 100200043 100200394 100200085 100200248 100200197 100200255 100200392 100200059 100200305 100200162 100200052 100200382 100200131 100200062 100200302 100200112 100200351 100200031 100200075 100200360 100200245 100200072 100200293 100200180 100200177 100200088 100200106 100200115 100200227 100200049 100200082 100200405 100200296 100200230 100200141 100200401 100200384 100200128 100200373]
Data (Hex):