Slot 8620361

Block Number:
MEV Block Reward:
0.18717 ETH
Proposed Finalized
2024-03-12 18:32:35 +0000 UTC (2024-03-12 18:32:35 +0000 UTC)
Block Root:
State Root:
RANDAO Reveal:
Eth Data:
Deposit Count:
Deposit Root:
Execution Payload:
Block Number:
0.18850 ETH
Gas Used:
Gas Limit:
Base fee per gas:
63.35221 GWei
Burned fees:
1.10476 ETH
2024-03-12 18:32:35 +0000 UTC ()
Block Extra Data
Voting Validators:
Voluntary Exits:
0 attester & 0 proposer slashings
BLS Address Changes:
30475 validators voted 30478 times for this block:
Allocated Slot Committee Included in Block Validators

Showing 128 Attestations

Attestation 0
Committee Index:
Aggregation Bits:
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
11111111 11111111 11111111 111111
370296 783629 437314 1015755 1012869 710861 946968 1143555 888645 977401 65485 214979 588392 224768 878253 980165 1008078 340020 709145 884700 966418 1018064 1043739 1122000 306479 1162214 183276 1163104 39397 832564 982163 346798 381042 386703 153572 469569 184578 708055 768869 1188411 1140799 519378 771755 451515 1042006 377264 1230953 264026 424602 1075998 480742 285422 600749 787519 906770 735173 176704 299465 1033423 274514 1256755 617537 1061417 363777 957300 768159 969054 1108552 688546 105819 970111 870615 369840 964355 721749 533552 1048069 547952 697229 1279734 747523 550609 749594 1147299 444529 1061382 1129001 628586 752196 436524 1244709 800316 437531 417955 677277 1203701 452370 1231973 216632 5512 18380 763862 7619 484610 726586 624326 443562 527742 1214750 931291 927961 599450 694224 174394 965983 319794 402 284561 380204 190576 1096030 1252994 781534 200554 76704 262291 978719 726162 27228 359571 1093796 674577 627876 425453 980634 494698 280439 899001 1156027 978080 201467 426070 883403 1000230 199974 784301 1189310 738917 733905 772162 413735 250792 877397 355647 853128 466022 392397 1255702 985190 1195498 607880 640630 865664 1249607 543417 1133101 407515 886886 970858 1009286 1056171 660697 867568 1166857 901488 683208 340726 1103802 131495 354480 937046 482986 880006 726088 847708 135825 192863 460969 545228 323646 1021751 887408 926016 218323 1157364 1063436 121870 527531 1023570 651630 873354 913951 1064330 1139064 865129 969004 180184 100609 382304 1123616 1040057 784435 1098300 31089 855443 1280874 196055 478137 1027909 1150408 692868 621841 1144672 839174 226371 583648 1143200 876836 929744 1186608 271065 1006741 739588 195543 726414 1094239 423602 6396 165172 1167999 471480 156370 578471 18239 138026 243996 414781 383754 443782 275829 429809 927768 230524 1026877 998929 607381 1040776 1224741 38812 902516 642096 1069355 1095633 613505 336051 433749 796540 348405 773773 1009632 678158 390493 1199249 1258634 1053334 1277734 667992 389376 781218 919589 204740 1129985 688561 568249 1106635 488482 354863 896707 830446 1173931 167830 635217 1230134 787514 1066983 294363 1273568 855993 721001 1242278 764479 4682 464355 1116605 502999 1263222 181341 619718 1159947 1051214 1171487 1021192 70061 405582 1044267 1048692 156974 505191 1147847 871740 1023465 869685 569112 101699 1223644 386653 303491 717583 564657 391002 520609 952764 1153029 417197 600236 447328 736033 677505 156771 287729 697468 485566 509210 1125982 1276074 482781 1060614 1063877 594403 615518 182337 925426 1104869 641423 1220380 1019742 317186 380433 793104 1154231 1203636 765376 1133867 154769 844144 1111999 862062 1125359 818956 619446 411380 584236 1240777 1272136 327257 840283 1112253 160541 310880 910243 869334 971825 462638 891583 100310 305138 734979 1159072 502881 1049415 244067 175568 94574 653077 8027 1206406 747494 768638 776640 185119 207758 334939 235857 649028 489207 1029265 228013 1087334 1105601 1262440 456775 657495 611925 1206113 478892 448661 108874 1232851 355394 1248227 760006 90732 1088609 1169515 473800 429922 1154428 1225597 689367 605488 535605 621347 1131282 323301 375101 941619 902489 1096289 281502 532448 1015044 91897 403950 1172795 195459 852170 579151 1026408 571930 442137 231268 1053502 661908 384162 383098 455474 716781 708698 1170241 855625 1158372 547942 562482 727119 1021909 1145170 318838 1235339 534851 1123584 861481 973167 325268 218950 262402 288736 962146 1275140
Showing 156 Transactions
Tx Hash Method From To Value Tx Fee Gas Price
0x7e9863…10b904 Transfer 0x98570…998DE Future Of Finance… 110.34 ETH 0.00239 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x0aa814…d7bf24 transfer 0x98570…998DE 0xC44a4…C9B61 0 ETH 0.00902 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xdf699a…da454a approve Future Of Finance… 0xC44a4…C9B61 0 ETH 0.00532 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x555126…61856f addLiquidityETH Future Of Finance… Uniswap V2: Router 2 110 ETH 0.31197 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x70f89c…399f32 0x0162e2d0 0x6D5a2…a7b04 0x3328F…09C49 2 ETH 0.03318 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x4e1646…0e98f2 0x6e20b107 0x70e7f…30aC5 0x3328F…09C49 1 ETH 0.01245 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xa19c53…ec0c4b Transfer 0x5050F…b76C9 0xFf000…08453 0 ETH 0.13395 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0x639547…522fe8 swapExactTokensForETHSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens 0x4d694…4586F Uniswap V2: Router 2 0 ETH 0.01284 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xcc0dd8…7b1088 massHarvest glassjoe.eth 0xAC197…ed018 0 ETH 0.03330 ETH 0.00000 ETH
0xdd5f99…57e799 sendMultiSigToken BlockFi 5 BlockFi 4 0 ETH 0.00839 ETH 0.00000 ETH
Showing 16 Withdrawals
Index Validator Index Recipient Address Amount